Thursday, February 27, 2014
#NPCScholar Spotlight: California State University, Fullerton
The Panhellenic women California State Unviersity, Fullerton have been working toward the goal of academic excellence for a long while, and they set high standards for themselves, focusing a lot of effort on promoting academic success. The women started a program called Scholar of Month that recognizes women who have achieved a 3.5 GPA or higher with an Instagram shout out and special gift. They also have an awards banquet each year, Pursuit of Excellence, at which they reward both Interfraternity Council men and Panhellenic women who have achieved a 3.9 GPA or higher. The Panhellenic Council shares all scholarship opportunities with each chapter on campus to assist women with the financial responsibility demanded by both academics and sorority involvement. Finally, the Panhellenic Council awards two scholarships each year to sorority women for Order of Omega dues.